Review: Role Models
OnCover of Role Models I’ve known people who don’t really like John Waters. To those people, I can only play the “I accept your lifestyle choice, even if I believe it is wrong” card. I just think he’s great — his films…
All Things To All People
Book reviews
Cover of Role Models I’ve known people who don’t really like John Waters. To those people, I can only play the “I accept your lifestyle choice, even if I believe it is wrong” card. I just think he’s great — his films…
Cover of Time’s Arrow Martin Amis‘ Time’s Arrow is a pretty cool little novella. Or maybe it’s a novel, I don’t know. It’s either a long novella, or a really short novel. You can take your pick. It’s about 170 pages, at…
Since I have like three venues to publish it in, and I told Tao I needed a galley, I feel obliged to write a review of Tao Lin’s novel, Richard Yates. I don’t think I will ever read anything by Richard Yates. …
[Purchase Book] When most people think of the vocoder, they think of the robot voice on the Kraftwerk records…. or perhaps the mangling that Cher’s voice goes through on “Believe” or T-Pain’s voice on any T-Pain record. (That last one’s not actually…
Cover via Amazon [Purchase Book] Harvey Kurtzman is one of my comedy heroes — and he’s one of those people who has had a huge influence on our culture; not only did MAD change the culture, but in particular, it was HIS…
In 2010, there’re a couple of David Foster Wallace biographies due — I’m not sure when the other one is coming out, but David Lipsky‘s Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself is the first one to be released, though, really, it’s…
It was probably a given that I’d review this new book on Chris Morris; he’s one of my all-time comedy heroes, and I tend to write a lot about him anyway. That said, I didn’t know a whole lot about him; stands to…
Cover of Bad Science I’m a bit of an Anglophile, but, at least viewed from the outside, British libel laws are crazy. In the US, it’s the onus of the potentially libeled to show that they were, but in the UK, the…
Cover of Screen Burn Charlie Brooker‘s often been sort of on my periphery; he’s worked with Chris Morris before, and I’d seen the TV Go Home site of course, but what made me really like him (aside from Nathan Barley, of course)…
Cover of Geek Love I like books and movies that really stick with you. When I first saw Barton Fink, I loved it and couldn’t stop thinking about it for a couple weeks. When I saw Mulholland Dr., I didn’t like it…