Review: WB:RMX
OnSo, we’re stealin’ the idea from the Sparks Project and doing one with probably even more records out there — The Residents! And this time we’re changing it up a little bit — we’ve got two hardcore Residents fans in me and…
All Things To All People
So, we’re stealin’ the idea from the Sparks Project and doing one with probably even more records out there — The Residents! And this time we’re changing it up a little bit — we’ve got two hardcore Residents fans in me and…
It’s almost a stereotype, isn’t it? Band has some hits and releases a streak of fairly well-received albums; band disappears for a while and comes back with an experimental new direction that, let’s be frank, doesn’t go so well; band recovers and…
We dig New Zealand’s keyboard-playing chanteuse Princess Chelsea here at Kittysneezes — Rachel Anderson did a review of her brand new debut album Lil’ Golden Book (now available on gold vinyl!), and now Rev. Syung Myung Me is here to present an…
Cover of Lil Beethoven Who don’t love Sparks? I suppose the folks who don’t know who Sparks are might not love Sparks, but that’s only because of plum ignorance. But REST EASY, reader — we’re here to set you straight by reviewing…
I discovered Tim Johnson on Facebook as a fellow MAD collector… but as it turns out, his collection puts mine to shame. After paging through his photo albums of all the cool stuff he has and coveting some of the stuff I’d…
Who don’t love Sparks? I suppose the folks who don’t know who Sparks are might not love Sparks, but that’s only because of plum ignorance. But REST EASY, reader — we’re here to set you straight by reviewing ALL the Sparks records…
Most people just work on one album at a time — Alexx Calise, on the other hand, has two albums due to release this February. One is her second solo album, and the other is the debut release of her band Sound…
For a band with many members — between the band performing on a sound-stage, cut between very close shot stills of the various scars on the band-members’ bodies.
For a song about two characters. We see the band set up, rocking behind two characters, a boy and a girl on the couch (for example; these would be the characters sung about in the song) watching television. During the first half…
A band goes around helping out people by doing their chores with the Power Of Rock. For example, the band comes upon a guy trying to get a bucket of bricks or something to the second floor of his house, through a…