Music Video Treatments: Scars
OnFor a band with many members — between the band performing on a sound-stage, cut between very close shot stills of the various scars on the band-members’ bodies.
All Things To All People
Longer form pieces.
For a band with many members — between the band performing on a sound-stage, cut between very close shot stills of the various scars on the band-members’ bodies.
Image via Wikipedia These are the top ten songs — in no particular order save for number one — ever recorded by anyone. If a song is not on the list, it undoubtedly was a good try, however, I feel your pain….
For a song about two characters. We see the band set up, rocking behind two characters, a boy and a girl on the couch (for example; these would be the characters sung about in the song) watching television. During the first half…
A band goes around helping out people by doing their chores with the Power Of Rock. For example, the band comes upon a guy trying to get a bucket of bricks or something to the second floor of his house, through a…
The video opens with one of those cheap plastic placards reading: “[BAND NAME] DISTRIBUTOR’S MEETING” (perhaps letters would be missing; maybe band name misspelled, depending on the name)
Let’s get this out of the way first. I’m a left-wing nutjob, and as such, probably the least likely person to not only be giving advice to the Republican Party, let alone have them take me up on it. I know that,…
Image via Wikipedia There’s been a lot of talk lately about performance royalties in terms of radio. The current set up is that webradio has to pay both songwriter and performance royalties, where terrestrial radio only has to pay songwriter royalties via…
Cover of Happy Holidays Since it?s Christmas, it might be a good time to do another one of these hypothetical mixes! Granted, to rustle up all these songs might take a while, but at least you?ll be ready for next year! So,…
The video opens with a couple of pre-teen girls around who are hardcore fans of the band — wearing their t-shirts; their posters all around, stuffing envelopes for the fan-club newsletter, &c. They bop around to the song and are having a…
Image via Wikipedia One of the things I’ve always been interested in is pop music. Well, that should be obvious, don’t you think? I mean, really — it’s probably less an interest than an obsession. But that’s all right, too. However, one…