All The King’s Men (2002)
OnThe Legendary Pink Dots Project continues as Adam and Tom take a look at the band’s 2002 album, All The King’s Men.
All Things To All People
Edward Ka-Spel’s brilliance with The Legendary Pink Dots is to introduce us to isolated characters and then immerse us in their world-view through expansive and mysterious soundscapes. He begins with the most restricted, infinitesimal point of consciousness and then slowly expands it outward towards a state of ‘cosmic consciousness’ (to use the phrase of 1960s psychonauts). Musically, he often follows this template of expansion, with simple melody lines repeating and layering in increased complexity of texture. Much of the LPD’s music is an undertaking to help the listener (and perhaps composer) escape his/her own head. Lyrical phrases, musical motifs, album titles and themes recur across decades, but tonal shifts between albums are slow and subtle. Hopefully, The Legendary Dots Project, like the Residents and Sparks projects before, will provide the keen reader and listener with a giddy entry-point into the Legendary Pink Dots’ musical world. Fulfil the prophecy!
The Legendary Pink Dots Project continues as Adam and Tom take a look at the band’s 2002 album, All The King’s Men.
Edward Ka-Spel’s brilliance with The Legendary Pink Dots is to introduce us to isolated characters and then immerse us in their world-view through expansive and mysterious soundscapes. He begins with the most restricted, infinitesimal point of consciousness and then slowly expands it…
Edward Ka-Spel’s brilliance with The Legendary Pink Dots is to introduce us to isolated characters and then immerse us in their world-view through expansive and mysterious soundscapes. He begins with the most restricted, infinitesimal point of consciousness and then slowly expands it…
A Perfect Mystery urges the listener to turn it up loud, so quietly insidious is its start, with a buzzing like an electric discharge.
Nemesis Online is a collection of sonically diverse, often low-fi, tracks that seem to have little to do with cyberspace, at least on the surface.
Edward Ka-Spel’s brilliance with The Legendary Pink Dots is to introduce us to isolated characters and then immerse us in their world-view through expansive and mysterious soundscapes. He begins with the most restricted, infinitesimal point of consciousness and then slowly expands it…
Edward Ka-Spel’s brilliance with The Legendary Pink Dots is to introduce us to isolated characters and then immerse us in their world-view through expansive and mysterious soundscapes. He begins with the most restricted, infinitesimal point of consciousness and then slowly expands it…
A review of ‘Hallway of the Gods’, the most accessible Legendary Pink Dots album of the 1990s. A rare achievement with some real bangers!
Chemical Playschool 8 & 9 is the sort of expansive odyssey we’ve come to expect from these Chemical Playschool releases.
1995 had seen the Legendary Pink Dots quit their record company, re-join their record company and ultimately start their own record company.