Ronald Reagan: Success or Failure?
OnAn essay on Ronald Reagan and whether or not he’s the hero folks make him out to be (Spoilers: No, he’s not. Not at all.)
All Things To All People
An essay on Ronald Reagan and whether or not he’s the hero folks make him out to be (Spoilers: No, he’s not. Not at all.)
If you want, you can picture an image of the Pokémon Slowpoke with the words “Hey, The Great Dictator is a great movie!” around him. After all, the movie came out in 1940, and was a critical and commercial success. So you…
Since I have like three venues to publish it in, and I told Tao I needed a galley, I feel obliged to write a review of Tao Lin’s novel, Richard Yates. I don’t think I will ever read anything by Richard Yates. …
The Torture Playlist – Mother Jones Magazine released a list of songs used in American military prisons and on bases to induce sleep deprivation, “prolong capture shock,” disorient detainees during interrogations—and also drown out screams. The compiled list of 24 playable songs…
It’s still POLYSICS week at Kittysneezes! To celebrate my trip to NYC to see POLYSICS on their last tour with Kayo, here’s a review of one of their concerts, back from 2003 — posted as written 7 years ago. Mang, that’s a…
Lou Dobbs For Presiden…n…n…nevermind… The Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee (ALIPAC), a group branded a Nativist group by The Southern Poverty Law Center and tied to hate groups by the Anti-Defamation League, recently turned its unwavering support for Lou Dobbs’…
I’ve long said that I’d LOVE to hear a GOOD reason against gay marriage. I don’t necessarily mean that I want to be swayed to the other side — and I don’t even think a reason would have to do that to…
Gay marriage isn’t the only type of refused marriage in the news — a Louisiana Justice of the Peace refused to wed an interracial couple. The JP, Keith Bardwell, said his decision was because life was harder for bi-racial children.
Image via Wikipedia [Purchase Book] Graham Greene‘s classic novel The Quiet American, though written in 1955, is still a biting indictment of American foreign policy. His novel takes place in Vietnam (prior to the US/Vietnam war); the narrator, Thomas Fowler, is an…
For a song about two characters. We see the band set up, rocking behind two characters, a boy and a girl on the couch (for example; these would be the characters sung about in the song) watching television. During the first half…