Kitties and Puppies!
OnThe kittens played in the park. They liked the park, and the park liked them, or at least it would if parks could like things. It had been rumored that they could, and if the rumors were true, then this particular park…
All Things To All People
The kittens played in the park. They liked the park, and the park liked them, or at least it would if parks could like things. It had been rumored that they could, and if the rumors were true, then this particular park…
HEY PEOPLE! Are you in a band? Are you in a band that doesn’t suck? Are you in a band that doesn’t suck that has an album out? (Even if it’s been out for a while?) If you are so inclined, Kittysneezes…
Image by RevMe via Flickr A lot of people have been talking smack about dogs lately, and I’m here to set the record straight. Dogs are awesome, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a fool and probably not that…