HEY PEOPLE! Are you in a band? Are you in a band that doesn’t suck? Are you in a band that doesn’t suck that has an album out? (Even if it’s been out for a while?)
If you are so inclined, Kittysneezes (that’s us!!) will run an article from you, walking us through your album!
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(Think of it as sort of an answer to the problem of the lack o’ liner notes with most digital releases. Or, let’s be serious, even with a lot of CD-era albums.)
We’ll, obviously, link your album — so people who are interested can go check it out! And you can share a handy-dandy link with your fans with stuff they’ll love! I know, right?!
Anyway — if this floats your boat, just get in contact with me, either through our Facebook Page or the Contact link on this very site!