Review: Sleepwalk
OnI wrote all sorts of gibberish yesterday about this record and today I take a breath and start again. Scribes. The name implies what we (Him and I) do. Hell, it is what many people do. We write. Everybody writes. Some just…
All Things To All People
I wrote all sorts of gibberish yesterday about this record and today I take a breath and start again. Scribes. The name implies what we (Him and I) do. Hell, it is what many people do. We write. Everybody writes. Some just…
[Purchase CD/DVD] Last year’s Sound Mirrors was an outstanding album. Coldcut have long been among the best producers/DJs/whathaveyou, and while Sound Mirrors was quite a different turn — I often described it as a record by a band with the same guys…
Emily Saliers via This excellent post on Mefi about “underground” type marching bands includes Atlanta’s own Seed & Feed Marching Abominable… who have been bringing the weird to various shows, festivals, parades and protests for something like 30 years. The last…
Image via Wikipedia Via Tiff_Seattle on LJ, This is a HILARIOUS TV news piece about 4-Chan/the dangers of LULZ. Perhaps the funniest thing about it isn’t so much the actual attacks (which are basically pretty annoying, but whatever) but the WAY in…
Prince & The Revolution via Earlier this month, the artist again known as Prince gave away his new album in the U.K., arranging to have it inserted into the Sunday edition of a newspaper. Los Angeles Times columnist Patrick Goldberg wrote…
Cover of Cloud Atlas [Purchase Book] David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas is less a novel and more a collection of six novellas. Though that’s not quite right either — the novellas are all linked and build off each other. Then again, Mitchell’s other…
Image via Wikipedia Many DEVO fans know about Booji Boy’s Basement — or if they don’t they should. A revival of the old DEVO Bootleg Archive started by Mike Watters, Booji Boy’s Basement features loads of DEVO material, including demos, shows, video…
An amusing and brief cutup of a probably British Volvic bottled water advertisement. Some clever editing. Probably not safe for work, but hey, that’s cool. That’s how we roll here.
This is the proposed title track for the in-process debut Kittysneezes album. It was recorded over a week or two on Cubase LE for Mac with various equipment. Kittysneezes on this recording is: Rev. Syung Myung Me: Vocals, Bells, Keyboard, Percussion…