The man I considered the greatest living American Author, David Foster Wallace, killed himself yesterday, Friday September 12th. His wife found his body after he hanged himself. September 12th is not a good day — it’s also the day Johnny Cash died. And but so in tribute, here are some of the posts related to David Foster Wallace.

If you haven’t read any of his work, I heartily recommend you do so. A good one to start with is Brief Interviews With Hideous Men if you don’t want to jump right into the deep end with Infinite Jest. However, just about any of them are good and his writing demands to be savoured. He knew his way around a sentence.

I might have something more in-depth on him later — right now, I’m too stunned really to be terribly coherent about the man whose writing meant so much to me.

The JOI-Cam, a technical thing about how to potentially get a camera effect written about in Infinite Jest

Forever In The Third Booth On The Left, a loving parody of DFW’s short story “Forever Overhead”, one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read — which can be found in Brief Interviews With Hideous Men.

My entrance in the DFW Parody Contest from a few years back, which I thought I had reposted to Kittysneezes but apparently not. I probably shall in the future, then — but for the time being, my entry is all the way at the bottom of the page. The others are pretty good too, of course.