This Is My Hole, It Was Made for Me: On Negative Space and Leaving Room for the Reader
OnA story is a type of conversation with the reader. If you don’t leave room for the reader to speak, you’re a terrible conversationalist.
All Things To All People
This isn’t a podcast for total beginners. We’re going to assume that you know what plot structure is, what a protagonist is, where ideas come from, and how to use a semicolon. This is a podcast for people who can already write okay, but want to do better.
A story is a type of conversation with the reader. If you don’t leave room for the reader to speak, you’re a terrible conversationalist.
Genre is safe. Genre is comfortable. But do we rely on genre conventions too much? Can genre hold us back? Is genre busting good?
In today’s sci-fi/ fantasy community, it’s fashionable to dig up H.P. Lovecraft and put him on trial as the avatar of everything wrong with speculative fiction.
In this episode, middle grade horror/fantasy author Celine Kiernan joins us to talk about writing fiction for young people.
If you’ve spent any time talking about geek culture, you’ve probably seen one word come up over and over again: gatekeeper.
What makes a writer? Is it coffee and cats? Is it a good author photo? Is it having a screenname like @JaneDoeWrites?
It’s normal to look for people who share your interest in pop culture. But what happens when you only know how to be queer through fandom?
Instead of learning from books, too many fledgling writers learn to write primarily from movies, television and video games, and their writing suffers as a result.
As the world looks grimmer and grimmer, Millennials and Gen Xers retreat deeper and deeper into childhood nostalgia.
Why do we love horror so much? On the surface, it makes no sense. Why would anybody enjoy media that focuses on upsetting, grotesque topics?