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Like everyone, I tend to come up with a lot of ideas that I never get around to doing. Sometimes it’s out of laziness, sometimes it’s just because I can’t figure out how to make it work, and sometimes, it’s just because they’re pretty stupid ideas. So, in order to do something with them, I’m throwing them out here. If anyone wants to make these stupid ideas a reality, more power to you — maybe give a hat-tip to Kittysneezes, why don’t you?
Stupid Idea: Strapping on my electric guitar and wearing a small amplifier like a backpack, going to the Seattle Center, and play nothing but rock-era Brian Eno songs.
Why I Never Did It: Firstly, I don’t think I’ve got the technical chops to pull off, say, “Here Come The Warm Jets“, let alone for solo guitar and voice. I’m also not sure if many of Eno’s songs could be really played recognizably on a solo guitar without a whole mess of effects processing, given his knack for studio trickery. Also, but probably least important: I’m not a terribly good vocalist. Admittedly, Eno doesn’t have a huge vocal range, but he’s got a pretty good voice just the same. Also, I think you might have to get a busking license for the Center. (I’m pretty sure you do during Bumbershoot.)