Like everyone, I tend to come up with a lot of ideas that I never get around to doing. Sometimes, it’s because they’re pretty stupid ideas. So, in order to do something with them, I’m throwing them out here. If anyone wants to make these stupid ideas a reality, go for it!
Stupid Idea: So, whenever I hear a song title that has the word “Dancin'” or “Dancing” in it, I always mentally replace it as “Danzig”. You know, Glenn Danzig, the lead singer of the Misfits. And Samhain. And Danzig. And generally humorless metal guy. Apparently I’m not the only one, as Ken Stringfellow of the Posies‘ upcoming solo record is called Danzig in the Moonlight, so this isn’t a terribly original idea.
Still, if I were Glenn Danzig, I’d record an album — perhaps with that title, or maybe Keep on Danzig, that would be all covers of songs changed to being about Danzig instead of the act of dancing. I think that’d be pretty awesome and I’d like to hear, say, that song by the Gentrys Danzig’d up. Of course, if I had a sense of humor about myself, I wouldn’t be Glenn Danzig, but there you go.
Why I Never Did It: I’m not Glenn Danzig.