Steven Universe is Cartoon Network’s first female-created show, created by notable woman Rebecca Sugar. Sugar is also known for writing a lot of the best songs in Adventure Time(“Daddy, Why Did You Eat My Fries”, “I’m Just Your Problem/My Best Friends In The World”, “Remember You” and the classic “Bacon Pancakes”). She also wrote a lot of the best episodes of Adventure Time too (pretty much any episode those songs come from).
Steven Universe is also really hip when it comes to all sorts of social issues. Behind the scenes, three of the show’s four leads are voiced by women of color (one of whom is Estelle. You know, Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, rapper, actress, producer Estelle). The crew is super diverse too, and most of them have art blogs on Tumblr. You can Google any name you see on the show, but a few to get you started: Rebecca Sugar, Ian Jones-Quartey, Raven Molisee, Ben Levin, Lamar Abrams.