The True Story of the VID (a/k/a ВND and ВИD) Logo, the Creepiest Closing Logo Ever
OnIf you’ve seen any “scary closing logo” compilations, you’ve probably seen the VID logo — or perhaps you know it as the BND or ВИD logo — here’s what’s up.
All Things To All People
If you’ve seen any “scary closing logo” compilations, you’ve probably seen the VID logo — or perhaps you know it as the BND or ВИD logo — here’s what’s up.
A cover of “Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy” by DEVO, from my guitar lesson graduation at the Two Bells in Seattle. Kittysneezes video logo by Lee Hughey, video shot by Dale Comer.
A live version of “The Big, Big Whoredom” by They Might Be Giants from my guitar-lesson graduation at the Two Bells in Seattle. Kittysneezes video logo by Lee Hughey, video shot by Dale Comer.