With a Little Help From Superduperman, Mad #4 Was the Fledgling Comic’s Breakout Issue
OnThough the first three issues were setting the stage, it was Mad #4 that was the first big hit, thanks to the first direct comic parody, ‘Superduperman.’
All Things To All People
Though the first three issues were setting the stage, it was Mad #4 that was the first big hit, thanks to the first direct comic parody, ‘Superduperman.’
“What’s wrong with me, Mom?” Superman is an icon of comic books. Superhero comics, and arguably comics in general, are what they are today partly because of him. Had he not come along, comics as we know them would be something altogether…
[Purchase Book] There are times in which a graphic novel can so perfectly capture the balance of satire and action that one literally cannot decide whether to laugh or marvel. Well, sure, it’s possible to do both at once, but it doesn’t…