Sci-fi and Fantasy for Peasants — Transcript
OnThe transcript of our recent episode with Qualia Redux about poverty in science fiction and fantasy stories.
All Things To All People
The transcript of our recent episode with Qualia Redux about poverty in science fiction and fantasy stories.
In part two of our discussion on diverse sci-fi and fantasy, we turn our attention to the later half of the 20th century, when the field opened up a little more to BIPOC and queer authors.
Stephen Mazur, former Assistant Editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, to talk about the women of sci-fi’s pulp era.
Fiction has always used speculative elements to express political ideas; but sometimes, it falls flat in terms of storytelling and politics.
In this episode, we re-examine the saga of the notorious Sad Puppies. What happened? What ripple effects did it have on the sci-fi/fantasy community?
In today’s sci-fi/ fantasy community, it’s fashionable to dig up H.P. Lovecraft and put him on trial as the avatar of everything wrong with speculative fiction.
A review of the excellent Korean film Save The Green Planet!, which spans just about every genre you can think of — and nails all of them.
Image via Wikipedia [Purchase Book] When one sees or hears the name Hideo Azuma, one either immediately thinks of lolita manga or simply asks, “who in the hell is that?” He’s known as being the “father of lolicon,” with many of his…