Untitled 5
OnThe fifth of seven. REMIXERS NOTE: Original, Individual Tracks Available! mp3 file “>Download “Untitled 5” Now.
All Things To All People
Samples of music by Kittysneezes. Some covers, some previews of albums, some just one-off things. Lots of stuff.
The fifth of seven. REMIXERS NOTE: Original, Individual Tracks Available! mp3 file “>Download “Untitled 5” Now.
These last four are the most likely to survive the cut. Or, at least, some of these last four. REMIXERS NOTE: Original, Individual Tracks Available! mp3 file “>Download “Untitled 4” Now.
Three of Seven. REMIXERS NOTE: Original, Individual Tracks Available! mp3 file “>Downlowd “Untitled 3” Now.
This is the second of those initial 7. REMIXERS NOTE: Original, Individual Tracks Available! mp3 file “>Download “Untitled 2” now.
This is the first of 7 cuts initially slated for the debut Kittysneezes album The Important Sound Of Things Falling Apart. I’m not certain yet which of these seven, if any, will make it on the record, as, well, there still remains…