Escape From New York (Transcript)
OnFresh off the latest episode of Rite Gud, our Escape From New York transcript about writing in smaller cities and towns.
All Things To All People
Fresh off the latest episode of Rite Gud, our Escape From New York transcript about writing in smaller cities and towns.
Kentucky Meat Shower #26 “Ceaseless Tides and Uneven Development” is the second of three issues in the “A Prophet of His Own” arc. If you are curious about what I mean by “arc”, you can read here. The first part of the trilogy is…
Issue #24 of Kentucky Meat Shower is the first of three issues in the “A Prophet of His Own” arc. For more information on what I mean by arc, follow the link here. I was one year into the best ones of…
Starting tomorrow, we’ll be officially publishing the first “arc” of Kentucky Meat Shower. “A Prophet of His Own” consists of three Kentucky Meat Shower issues. The first two issues, #24 and #26, have been published on Substack, and will be publishing…
Episode 6, Katie and the Whale, the lifetime fish drama episode: Cosby Mysteries. Major Briggs. Elective Mutism. Iron Deficiencies. Bjossa.
The transcript for the Infinite Danger episode about Katie and the Whale.
What’s in a name? A lot, really. That’s why they’re so hard to come up with. Karlo Yeager Rodriguez joins us to talk about names.
You know how it works by now. Listen to the Glup Shitto Episode, read along with the Glup Shitto Transcript.
Episode 5, The Contender, in which Jonah could have saved the starving third world if it weren’t for The Woman: Tarzan, Tarzan, Tarzan.
The transcript for episode 5 of Infinite Danger looking at the Danger Bay episode, “The Contender.” Tarzan, Tarzan, Tarzan.